Aller au contenu

The next commands are the ones that set the bibliography style and import the bibliography file. See Bibliography management with biblatex for more information.

%in the preamble


%Where the bibliography will be printed

where bibfile is the name of the bibliography .bib file and stylename is one of the following:

stylename output
numeric BiblatexStylesEx1.png
alphabetic BiblatexStylesEx2.png
authoryear BiblatexStylesEx3.png
authortitle BiblatexStylesEx4.png
verbose BiblatexStylesEx5.png
reading BiblatexStylesEx6.png
draft BiblatexStylesEx7.png

The draft style is intended for editing your document before the final version, since it makes easier to keep track of the cited sources.

There are some additional bibliography styles you can use in Overleaf

stylename output
authoryear-icomp ABiblatexStylesEx1.png
apa ABiblatexStylesEx2.png
bwl-FU ABiblatexStylesEx3.png
chem-acs ABiblatexStylesEx4.png
chem-angew ABiblatexStylesEx5.png
chem-biochem ABiblatexStylesEx6.png
chem-rsc ABiblatexStylesEx7.png
ieee BiblatexStylesEx8.png
mla BiblatexStylesEx9.png
musuos BiblatexStylesEx10.png
nature BiblatexStylesEx11.png
nejm BiblatexStylesEx12.png
phys BiblatexStylesEx13.png
science BiblatexStylesEx14.png
geschichtsfrkl BiblatexStylesEx15.png
oscola BiblatexStylesEx16.png

More styles can be found in the CTAN biblatex site

Further reading

For more information see

Overleaf guides

LaTeX Basics


Figures and tables

References and Citations


Document structure





Field specific

Class files

Advanced TeX/LaTeX